Monday, 28 September 2015

Sermon 2: Summary and Questions from Wendy

First Century Acts for Twenty First Century Disciples
Sermon Two (Allerton) – Lydia’s Conversion (Acts 16v6-15)


Paul was obedient to The Lord and went to Philippi where he met Lydia
Lydia was a dealer in purple cloth. This was expensive as the dye came from the juice found in minute qualities found in shellfish. 
Lydia was not Jewish but believed in God. She was what the Jews called a 'God fearer'.
Philippi did not have a synagogue so the people met by the river to pray. 
We are told Lydia had her heart opened to hear the Holy Spirit. 
Paul was also in a good place as he had heard and obeyed God. 
Paul spoke and Lydia responded. She was converted and was then baptised along with her household. 

If a person has an open heart and a desire to hear they are ready and waiting and expectant to hear the prompting of others and God. The Holy Spirit convicts them. 
I was converted as an adult. 
Key was that I was seeking, had an open heart and knew I wanted to find the love of God I saw in others. 
So we challenge ourselves as the family of God in this place. Will people know us by our love? Or will they see divisions, disharmony and grumbles? 
As a church are we ready to receive others into the family of God? 
Does it all start by being open to the Holy Spirit? 
If so let us allow him to work in us. 


1.      How were both Paul and Lydia prepared for their encounter?
2.      Are we willing to meet with people outside the church building? 
3.      Have we words of encouragement for those who are seeking?
4.      Are we seen as a people of love and forgiveness? 
5.      Are we prepared to change within and allow the Holy Spirit to melt and mould us so we may be better prepared? 
6.      Can we say or sing the following with confidence and expectancy? 
“Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me. 
Melt me, mould me, fill me, use me. 

Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me.”

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